Module: Msf::Simple::Exploit
- Includes:
- Module
- Defined in:
- lib/msf/base/simple/exploit.rb
A simplified exploit wrapper.
Class Method Summary collapse
.check_simple(mod, opts, job_listener: Msf::Simple::NoopJobListener.instance) ⇒ Object
Initiates a check, setting up the exploit to be used.
.exploit_simple(oexploit, opts, &block) ⇒ Object
Wraps the exploitation process in a simple single method.
- .job_check_proc(ctx) ⇒ Object protected
Instance Method Summary collapse
#check_simple(opts) ⇒ Object
Calls the class method.
#exploit_simple(opts, &block) ⇒ Object
(also: #run_simple)
Calls the class method.
Methods included from Module
#_import_extra_options, #init_simplified, #inspect, #load_config, #save_config
Class Method Details
.check_simple(mod, opts, job_listener: Msf::Simple::NoopJobListener.instance) ⇒ Object
Initiates a check, setting up the exploit to be used. The following options can be specified:
The local input handle that data can be read in from.
The local output through which data can be displayed.
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# File 'lib/msf/base/simple/exploit.rb', line 188 def self.check_simple(mod, opts, job_listener: Msf::Simple::NoopJobListener.instance) Msf::Simple::Framework.simplify_module(mod) mod.(opts) if opts['LocalInput'] mod.init_ui(opts['LocalInput'], opts['LocalOutput']) end unless mod.has_check? # Bail out early if the module doesn't have check raise end # Validate the option container state so that options will # be normalized mod.validate run_uuid = Rex::Text.rand_text_alphanumeric(24) job_listener.waiting run_uuid ctx = [mod, run_uuid, job_listener] if opts['RunAsJob'] mod.job_id = "Exploit: #{mod.refname} check", ctx, { |ctx_| self.job_check_proc(ctx_) }, { |ctx_| nil } ) [run_uuid, mod.job_id] else self.job_check_proc(ctx) end end |
.exploit_simple(oexploit, opts, &block) ⇒ Object
Wraps the exploitation process in a simple single method. The options hash can have the following values passed in it:
The encoder module that should be used.
The payload module name that should be used.
The selected target index.
The NOP generator that should be used in preference.
A string of comma separated option values that should be imported into the datastore.
A hash of values to be imported directly into the datastore.
The local input handle that data can be read in from.
The local output through which data can be displayed.
Whether or not the exploit should be run in the context of a background job.
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# File 'lib/msf/base/simple/exploit.rb', line 57 def self.exploit_simple(oexploit, opts, &block) exploit = oexploit.replicant # Trap and print errors here (makes them UI-independent) begin # Clone the module to prevent changes to the original instance Msf::Simple::Framework.simplify_module(exploit) yield(exploit) if block_given? # Import options from the OptionStr or Option hash. exploit.(opts) opts['Payload'] ||= exploit.datastore['Payload'] unless opts['Quiet'] exploit.init_ui(opts['LocalInput'] || exploit.user_input, opts['LocalOutput'] || exploit.user_output) else exploit.init_ui(nil, nil) end # Make sure parameters are valid. if (opts['Payload'] == nil) raise MissingPayloadError, 'A payload has not been selected.', caller end # Verify the options exploit.validate # Start it up driver = # Keep the handler of driver running if exploiting multiple targets. driver.keep_handler = true if opts['multi'] # Initialize the driver instance driver.exploit = exploit driver.payload = exploit.framework.payloads.create(opts['Payload']) # Set the force wait for session flag if the caller requested force # blocking. This is so that passive exploits can be blocked on from # things like the cli. driver.force_wait_for_session = true if (opts['ForceBlocking'] == true) # Was the payload valid? if (driver.payload == nil) raise MissingPayloadError, "You specified an invalid payload: #{opts['Payload']}", caller end # Use the supplied encoder, if any. If one was not specified, then # nil will be assigned causing the exploit to default to picking the # best encoder. exploit.datastore['ENCODER'] = opts['Encoder'] if opts['Encoder'] # Use the supplied NOP generator, if any. If one was not specified, then # nil will be assigned causing the exploit to default to picking a # compatible NOP generator. exploit.datastore['NOP'] = opts['Nop'] if opts['Nop'] # Force the payload to share the exploit's datastore driver.payload.share_datastore(driver.exploit.datastore) # Verify the payload options driver.payload..validate(driver.payload.datastore) # Set the target and then work some magic to derive index exploit.datastore['TARGET'] = opts['Target'] if opts['Target'] target_idx = exploit.target_index if (target_idx == nil or target_idx < 0) raise MissingTargetError, "You must select a target.", caller end driver.target_idx = target_idx # Set the payload and exploit's subscriber values unless opts['Quiet'] driver.payload.init_ui(opts['LocalInput'] || exploit.user_input, opts['LocalOutput'] || exploit.user_output) else driver.payload.init_ui(nil, nil) end if (opts['RunAsJob']) driver.use_job = true end # Let's rock this party # Save the job identifier this exploit is running as exploit.job_id = driver.job_id # Propagate this back to the caller for console mgmt oexploit.job_id = exploit.job_id rescue ::Interrupt exploit.error = $! raise $! rescue ::Msf::OptionValidateError => e exploit.error = e ::Msf::Ui::Formatter::OptionValidateError.print_error(exploit, e) return false rescue ::Exception => e exploit.error = e exploit.print_error("Exploit failed: #{e}") elog("Exploit failed (#{exploit.refname})", error: e) end return driver.session if driver nil end |
.job_check_proc(ctx) ⇒ Object (protected)
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# File 'lib/msf/base/simple/exploit.rb', line 231 def self.job_check_proc(ctx) mod = ctx[0] run_uuid = ctx[1] job_listener = ctx[2] begin job_listener.start run_uuid mod.setup result = mod.check job_listener.completed(run_uuid, result, mod) rescue => e job_listener.failed(run_uuid, e, mod) mod.handle_exception e ensure mod.cleanup end return result end |
Instance Method Details
#check_simple(opts) ⇒ Object
Calls the class method.
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# File 'lib/msf/base/simple/exploit.rb', line 225 def check_simple(opts) Msf::Simple::Exploit.check_simple(self, opts) end |
#exploit_simple(opts, &block) ⇒ Object Also known as: run_simple
Calls the class method.
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# File 'lib/msf/base/simple/exploit.rb', line 171 def exploit_simple(opts, &block) Msf::Simple::Exploit.exploit_simple(self, opts, &block) end |